為支援因社會運動及新型冠狀病毒疫情引致心理及精神創傷之人士,【港講訴Time to Heal】計劃現提供港幣$7,000心理治療現金資助予合資格的申請人。
Hong Kong Council of Social Service is now offering a psychological treatment subsidy of HK$7,000 for individuals who suffer from emotional distress related to social movement and covid-19. I am pleased to know that Art Psychotherapy is included in the approved funding list.
Referrals have to be made through social workers. If you know anyone who may be in need of psychological and emotional support during this time, you may visit http://www.timetoheal.org.hk/page/page2 for more details.
#arttherapy #subsidy #timetoheal #psychological #emotionaldistress #socialmovement #covid19 #socialworkers #emotionalsupport